TPM3D successfully met the“Customization of Lightweight Sports Equipment, such as Helmets and Saddles”application scenario on December 27, 2023 further increasing the employment of SLS printing technology in the field of sports. Consequently, TPM3D has made it to this list for two consecutive years as one among other SLS 3D printing machine manufacturers and service providers.
The origins and merits of this helmet are stated below;
The Significance of Equestrian Helmet: The crucial gear for professionals’riders that protects their heads while ensuring comfort and visibility.
Problems with conventional helmets: Excessive heaviness, poor air circulation, obscured vision.
Solution: Personalized equestrian helmet made by SLS 3D printing technology.
Printer: TPM3D S360
Feedback from Riders: Fits perfectly on forehead, light weight, very comfortable to wear for extended periods of time while offering protection against collision with objects or falls with clear visibility.